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Are Web Scraping and Web Crawling the Same Thing?

Are Web Scraping and Web Crawling the Same Thing -

Are Web Scraping and Web Crawling the Same Thing? Web scraping and web crawling are two techniques often grouped together under the umbrella of “web data extraction.” However, while they share similarities, there are important distinctions between the two approaches.

At a high level, web scraping involves collecting specific pieces of data from websites, while web crawling is focused on comprehensively indexing entire websites. Web scrapers extract details like prices, contact information, and reviews – discrete data points for reuse elsewhere. On the other hand, web crawlers like search engine bots recursively traverse websites to map out and catalog all available pages and content.

So web scraping has a narrower purpose, targeting key data. Web crawling has a broader scope, aiming to build a searchable archive of websites. Understanding these core differences helps inform when to apply each technique. When combined strategically, scraping and crawling can become an immensely effective data harvesting workflow – scrapers extracting details from the pages discovered by crawlers. But it’s crucial first to grasp the unique value and methods of both.

What is Web Scraping?

What is Web Scraping

Web scraping refers to the automated extraction of data from websites. It works by sending HTTP requests to target sites, and then extracting the desired information from the HTML of the response.

Some common uses of web scraping include:

  • Extracting pricing data from e-commerce sites to monitor competitor pricing.
  • Gathering contact information like emails and phone numbers from directories.
  • Compiling statistics, news, and other content from news sites.
  • Building datasets for research and analysis.
  • Aggregating reviews for products and businesses.

Web scraping typically focuses on extracting specific pieces of data from pages rather than crawling or indexing entire websites. Scrapers target key data points and fields to extract, often using tools like XPath, regex, and CSS selectors to pinpoint the desired elements in the HTML.

The data extracted through web scraping is often saved to a database or spreadsheet for further analysis. Scraping can be used as part of data mining processes, where data from multiple sites is aggregated and analyzed to discover patterns and insights.

Features of Web Scraping

Some key features of web scraping include:

  • Automation – Web scraping uses scripts and bots to automatically extract data, eliminating the need for tedious manual copy-pasting.
  • Scale – Scrapers can extract data from thousands or even millions of pages across multiple sites. Doing this manually would be infeasible.
  • Customization – Scraping scripts can be customized to target very specific data points in HTML pages.
  • Speed – Web scrapers can operate very quickly, extracting data as fast as websites can handle requests.
  • Data formats – Scraped data is typically extracted and saved in structured formats like CSV, JSON, or databases for easy analysis.

Challenges of Web Scraping

While powerful, web scraping also comes with some challenges:

  • Detection and blocking – Many sites try to detect and block scrapers through methods like CAPTCHAs and IP limits. Scrapers must be designed carefully to mimic organic users.
  • Layout changes – Scrapers may break if sites change their HTML layouts and structures, requiring regular maintenance and updates.
  • Legal uncertainty – The legality of web scraping depends on factors like terms of use and copyright laws, which vary between jurisdictions.
  • Data accuracy – Scrapers may unintentionally pull in incomplete, incorrect or duplicate data that requires cleaning.
  • Ethics – There are open ethical questions around aggregating data from sites without explicit permission.
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Overall when done properly, though, web scraping enables the productive use of vast amounts of public web data that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to analyze.

What is Web Crawling?

Web Crawling

Web crawlers, also known as spiders or bots, are programs that systematically browse the internet in an automated fashion. Their main goal is to index entire websites by following links from page to page.

Crawlers are a key part of search engines like Google. Googlebot is the most well-known crawler – it constantly crawls billions of pages across the web to index and update Google’s search results.

Beyond search engines, other common uses of web crawlers include:

  • Archiving websites by national libraries and other institutions.
  • Analyzing website structures, performance, and connectivity.
  • Detecting broken links and bugs on websites.
  • Building datasets for research about the internet and websites.

Whereas web scraping focuses on extracting specific data, web crawling aims to traverse entire websites and build an index or archive of their pages and content.

Features of Web Crawling

Some key features of crawlers include:

  • Comprehensiveness – Crawlers recursively follow links to traverse all reachable pages on websites.
  • Speed – Crawlers can process hundreds or thousands of pages per second using optimization techniques like concurrency and caching.
  • Respect for robots.txt – Legitimate crawlers obey the robots.txt file, which gives websites control over indexing.
  • Duplicate detection – Crawlers avoid indexing the same page multiple times through URL normalization, hashes, and other methods.
  • Prioritization – Crawlers use algorithms to crawl more important pages first, based on factors like inbound links.
  • Extensibility – Many crawlers allow plugins and custom scripts to be run on each page as it is crawled.

Challenges of Web Crawling

Web crawling also poses some challenges:

  • Bandwidth and resources – Crawling very large sites requires significant network bandwidth and computing power.
  • Ever-changing web – The constantly evolving nature of websites requires crawlers to re-crawl the same pages to stay current.
  • Hidden content – Crawlers may miss pages and content behind logins, paywalls, or other access controls.
  • Site bans – Websites may block crawlers if they create too much load or retrieve sensitive content.
  • Uncrawlable pages – Some pages with very dynamic content produced by JavaScript cannot be easily crawled.

Overall though, web crawling remains an indispensable technique for keeping search engines and archives up-to-date and generating datasets for internet research.

The Differences Between Web Scraping and Crawling

The Differences Between Web Scraping and Crawling

While there is some overlap, web scraping and crawling have some fundamental differences:


  • Web scraping aims to extract specific data from pages.
  • Web crawling aims to build an index of entire websites.
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  • Web scraping targets a specific set of pages and data points.
  • Web crawling traverses all reachable pages across entire sites.


  • Web scraping produces discrete extracted data like pricing, contact info, etc.
  • Web crawling produces a copy or index of the website structure and content.


  • Web scraping uses HTML parsers, data extraction libraries, etc.
  • Web crawling uses link extractors, URL normalizers, duplication detectors, etc.


  • Web scraping relies on pinpointed extraction techniques like pattern matching and DOM manipulation.
  • Web crawling relies on recursive link following and prioritization algorithms.


  • Web scraping scripts typically run periodically on a fixed schedule.
  • Web crawlers run continuously as websites change.

So, in summary, web scraping and crawling have fundamentally different goals, scopes, tools, and techniques, even if they both involve automated extraction of data from the web.

Can Web Scraping and Crawling Be Used Together?

Can Web Scraping and Crawling Be Used Together

Absolutely! Web scraping and crawling are complementary techniques that can powerfully be combined in many use cases:

Search engine indexing

Search engine crawlers like Googlebot traverse the web to index pages. However, they also extract key data like titles, meta descriptions, headings, and schema markup to improve search results. This combination of crawling for breadth and scraping for depth makes search engines possible.

Structured data extraction

Crawlers can provide a stream of web pages that scrapers then process to extract specific elements into a structured database. This focuses the scraping effort only on relevant pages.

Content aggregation

Crawlers can gather news articles or blog posts, then scrapers can extract key facts, figures, names, and other details to compile aggregated content records.

Email address harvesting

Crawlers locate contact and mailing list pages across the web. Scrapers then extract the email addresses for marketing and sales leads.

Market research

Crawlers build a catalog of products or services across websites. Scrapers extract details like prices, features, images and reviews for competitive analysis.

So in each of these examples, web crawling supplies an index of pages while scrapers work hand-in-hand to extract pertinent details from those pages.

The breadth of crawling combined with the depth of scraping can provide a powerful data harvesting solution.

Web Scraping vs Crawling: An Analogy

Web Scraping vs Crawling -

Here’s an analogy to illustrate the difference between web scraping and crawling:

Web scraping is like going through your grocery store with a shopping list, picking up the specific items you need. You grab the milk, eggs, and tomatoes but ignore everything else on the shelves.

Web crawling is like creating a complete inventory of everything at the grocery store. You methodically go up and down every aisle, counting all the items and recording what’s on each shelf. It’s less selective – you catalog everything, not just the items on your list.

Scraping targets particular data points, while crawling aims to survey an entire domain comprehensively.

Ethical Considerations for Scraping and Crawling

Whenever extracting data from the web, it’s important to consider ethics and potential consequences:

  • Obey robots.txt – The robots.txt file indicates if a site owner allows or disallows crawling and scraping. This should always be respected.
  • Don’t overburden servers – Crawl and scrape conservatively to avoid overloading sites with traffic and requests.
  • Attribute data properly – When republishing scraped data, be sure to credit the original website as the source.
  • Consider public vs private data – Think carefully before extracting data like emails and phone numbers without prior consent.
  • Check terms of use – Make sure scraping and crawling don’t violate a website’s terms of service.
  • Use data responsibly – Don’t assume all public data is ethically okay to use – consider downstream impacts on individuals’ rights and privacy.
See also  Legal Landscape of Web Scraping for Commercial Purposes

With good judgement, it’s possible to crawl and scrape considerately as part of research or business applications. But be sure to weigh both legal and ethical factors carefully.

Web Scraping and Crawling Tools

Web Scraping and Crawling Tools -

There are many software tools available to facilitate both crawling and scraping:

Web Scraping Tools

  • Scrapy – Open source Python scraping framework.
  • BeautifulSoup – Python library for parsing and extracting data from HTML.
  • Puppeteer – Node.js library is used to control the headless Chrome browser for scraping.
  • Playwright – Node.js library is similar to Puppeteer but is cross-browser.
  • Postman – Tool with web scraping capabilities via its built-in scraping language.
  • Octoparse – Visual web scraper with browser plugins.
  • ParseHub – Commercial web scraping GUI with the free plan.
  • – Commercial web data extractor with a point-and-click interface.

Web Crawling Tools

  • Scrapy – Python framework with crawling and scraping capabilities.
  • Apache Nutch – Open source Java crawler managed by Apache Software Foundation.
  • Heritrix – An extensive archival crawler from the Internet Archive.
  • Apache Spark – Engine that can power large-scale distributed crawling.
  • princess – Lightweight Perl-based crawler.
  • Node-Crawler – Node.js module for simple crawling of sites.
  • PhantomJS is a scriptable headless browser that is useful for JavaScript-heavy sites.
  • wget – Linux command line utility for flexible crawling and downloading.

There are also browser extensions like Scraper for Chrome that add scraping abilities to regular web browsing. And services like ProxyCrawl, ScrapingBee, and ScrapeStorm, which provide web scraping APIs and infrastructure.

The choice of tool depends on factors like budget, language preference, complexity of sites being crawled/scraped, and need for proxies and automation. With so many options, it’s possible to find solutions that fit any use case.

In Closing

While related, web scraping and web crawling are distinct techniques with different purposes and approaches:

  • Web scraping selectively extracts targeted data points from pages.
  • Web crawling comprehensively catalogs entire website structures.

Scraping tools employ parsers, extractors and pattern matching to pinpoint desired data. Meanwhile, crawlers use link following and prioritization algorithms to traverse sites.

Both techniques can be leveraged together, with scrapers processing pages from crawlers to combine high-level site mapping with focused data extraction.

Yet it’s important to remember the core difference – scraping fetches discrete data while crawling builds a searchable index. With an understanding of their unique value, both can be applied effectively across many digital research and business applications.


In conclusion, while web scraping and web crawling rely on similar programmatic navigation and analysis of websites, they serve different purposes. Web scraping extracts specific data points for reuse, while web crawling exhaustively maps out entire sites.

When used ethically and responsibly, the two approaches can complement each other. Crawlers supply an index of pages to be selectively scraped for pertinent details. Combining comprehensive crawling with targeted scraping enables efficient large-scale extraction and structuring of internet data.

The next time you encounter web scraping and crawling, consider their distinct goals and methods. And explore how blending scraping’s pinpointed data collection with crawling’s holistic coverage can powerfully advance many digital projects.
