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Why Strong Passwords Are Important?

Why Strong Passwords Are Important

It is no secret that having a strong password is important. Every website that asks for a username and password tells us to make our passwords hard to guess. But many people, including myself, don’t always follow this advice. It seems like too much work to come up with different hard passwords for all of our accounts and then to remember them all.

However, not having strong passwords can really cause problems. So much of our lives are online now. We store personal information, photos, credit card numbers, and more on websites and apps every day. Businesses also keep important company files, financial records, and customer data online. If hackers guess a weak password, they can get into all of this information and data. They could steal money from bank accounts or use someone’s identity to get loans and credit cards. Hackers could also steal business secrets or damage a company’s reputation. Having passwords that are hard to guess is the best way to stay protected and keep our private information safe, even if it takes a little extra effort on our part.

What Makes a Password Strong?

Strong passwords are vital for protecting your sensitive information and accounts online. But what exactly makes a password strong? Here are some key characteristics of strong passwords:

  • Length – Longer passwords are stronger. Use at least 12 characters or more for important accounts. The more characters, the better.
  • Complexity – Include uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Avoid dictionary words and personal information. Unpredictability creates a strong password.
  • Unique – Your passwords should be unique and not reused across accounts. If one account is compromised, unique passwords prevent other accounts from being hacked.
  • Not easily guessed – Avoid using names, dates, pet names, or other personal information that could be easily discovered or guessed. Don’t use simple keyboard patterns, either.
  • Passphrases – Using a passphrase can create a very strong password that’s also easy to remember, like “Br@veD0gFind$Tre@sure!”.

Following these guidelines creates passwords that would take even the most powerful computers an incredibly long time to crack through guessing or brute force attacks.

What Makes a Password Strong -

Why Do You Need Strong Passwords?

It’s easy to think creating a complex, unique password for every account is inconvenient or overkill. But strong passwords are absolutely critical in today’s threat landscape. Here’s why:

Protects Against Guessing and Brute Force Hacks

Hackers have access to extremely powerful tools that can launch automated attacks that guess or brute-force their way into accounts protected by weak passwords. Even average computers can guess simple or common passwords in minutes or hours. Strong, complex passwords effectively shut down this attack vector.

Prevents Access to Multiple Accounts

Hackers who access one account will then try the credentials on other popular sites and services. Unique passwords prevent the compromise of one account from leading to the compromise of all your other accounts if you reuse passwords.

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Guards Sensitive Personal and Financial Data

Passwords protect access to your sensitive information, transactions, and money. Weak passwords put your private data and finances at risk of theft and fraud, while strong passwords act as an effective barrier against unauthorized access.

Strong Defense Against Phishing

Phishing emails and fake login pages rely on you entering your actual password to gain account access. Strong unique passwords prevent phishers from being able to reuse your credentials to access your other accounts after a successful phish.

Protects Business Accounts and Data

Employees often reuse personal passwords for work accounts. Weak or reused passwords put sensitive company data, customer information, intellectual property, and financial accounts at risk from hackers. Strong passwords are essential for every business.

How to Create Strong Passwords?

Now that you know why strong passwords are so important, let’s look at some proven techniques and strategies for creating passwords that offer maximum protection:

How to Create Strong Passwords -

Use Password Managers

Password managers are by far the most secure and convenient way to create and store strong, unique passwords for all your accounts. Top password managers like LastPass, 1Password, and Dashlane make it easy to:

  • Automatically generate strong, random passwords for each site and service
  • Store all your passwords in an encrypted vault protected by one master password
  • Fill in passwords and login to sites automatically
  • Access passwords on all your devices

The best password managers also offer features like password auditing, breach alerts, secure sharing, and more. Relying on a password manager greatly simplifies using a different, completely random password everywhere.

Use Passphrases

Long passphrases made up of multiple words with spaces, numbers, and symbols mixed in can make incredibly strong passwords that are also easy to remember. For example, “Orange92 Piano umbrella?beer” would make an excellent secure passphrase.

Diceware Method

The Diceware method randomly generates passphrases using dice to select words from a special word list. Simply roll 5 dice to pick a word from the list, then repeat for 6-7 words to create a passphrase. Adding numbers and symbols boosts strength. Diceware is an effective way to create strong memorable passwords.

Use Memory Triggers

Create a memorable phrase relevant to the site or account and transform it into a strong password using the first letter of each word, numbers that look like letters, symbols, uppercase letters and more. For example, “I love eating at Burger King!” could become “Il@B#e@BK!”. This makes the password familiar while also being complex.

Use Password Generator

Password generators help you to easily and securely generate strong, unique, and hard to guess passwords. These programs are helpful tools that can assist you in choosing passwords that are more resistant to cracking or guessing by hackers. By generating random combinations of letters, numbers, and symbols, password generators can create complex passwords that are difficult for others to decipher without authorization. Using these types of automatically generated and randomized passwords helps enhance the security of your online accounts and personal information.

Evaluating Password Strength

How can you test the strength of your passwords? These tools and techniques allow you to measure just how secure your passwords really are:

  • Password strength meter – Most sites and password managers have built-in password strength meters that rate the complexity and security of the password you enter. Shoot for passwords rated as “Strong” or “Excellent”.
  • Password auditing – Password manager security audits analyze all your passwords for weaknesses and recommend improvements for inadequate passwords.
  • Leaks and breach monitoring – Password managers monitor leaked password databases on the dark web to alert you if any of your passwords show up, indicating they need to be changed immediately.
  • Password cracking – Test a password’s strength against open source password cracking tools like John the Ripper and Hashcat. Strong passwords will be extremely difficult or impossible for these tools to crack.
  • Zxcvbn – This JavaScript password strength estimator analyzes passwords against data breaches and known patterns to estimate the minimum crack time from seconds to centuries. Strong passwords get centuries-long estimates.
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Regularly testing your passwords ensures they can stand up to real-world cracking attempts and identifies any weak passwords in need of improvement.

Best Practices for Password Security

Creating strong, unique passwords is only part of the battle. How you manage and protect your passwords also plays a crucial role in password security:

  • Use a password manager – As discussed above, a dedicated password manager app offers the best security, convenience, and password management features. Never rely on insecure browser password storage.
  • Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) – To add an extra layer of protection, Enable 2FA on important accounts whenever possible. With 2FA enabled, access requires a password and a second factor, like an SMS or authenticator app code.
  • Avoid password reuse – Using unique passwords for every account limits the damage if one account gets compromised. Password reuse leads to dangerous account daisy chaining.
  • Change passwords periodically – Update passwords every 60-90 days on accounts with sensitive data or funds. Some password managers can automatically prompt you to update old passwords.
  • Avoid saving passwords in browsers – Browsers store passwords unencrypted by default, allowing anyone with access to read them easily. Use a dedicated password manager instead.
  • Use strong device passwords – Protect your devices with strong passcodes, fingerprints or facial recognition to prevent unauthorized local access that could reveal your saved passwords.
  • Beware of phishing – Ignore emails requesting you enter or update password or account information to avoid inadvertently surrendering credentials to phishers.

Following password security best practices significantly reduces your exposure to password hacks and account takeovers.

Warning Signs of a Compromised Password -

Warning Signs of a Compromised Password

Despite your best efforts, sometimes passwords still get compromised by breaches, malware or social engineering. Be alert for these signs that indicate a password or account has been compromised:

  • Unexpected password reset or change confirmation emails for an account
  • Account emails/messages you don’t recall sending, indicating unauthorized access
  • Logins to your account from unfamiliar locations or IP addresses
  • Bank/credit card charges for items you didn’t purchase
  • Suspicious new social media posts or messages sent from your accounts
  • Account profile details changed without your permission
  • Multi-factor authentication requests you didn’t initiate

If you notice any of these warnings, immediately change passwords for the affected accounts and any other accounts where you used similar credentials. Enable additional security measures like 2FA as well. Monitoring accounts and being alert to suspicious activity is key to identifying compromised credentials before major damage occurs.

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How to Handle Compromised Passwords

If you confirm that a password has been compromised, take these steps immediately:

  • Change the password – Immediately change the password for the compromised account to lock out the hacker/malware. Make it completely different from the old one.
  • Enable 2FA – Add an extra authentication layer by turning on two-factor authentication to re-secure the account.
  • Update where password reused – Change the password everywhere you have reused it. Password reuse allows accounts to easily be daisy chained by hackers.
  • Scan devices for malware – Download malware/virus scans to check for any infections that may have captured the password or are spreading it further.
  • Place fraud alert – For compromised financial accounts, contact the institutions to place a fraud alert and get a new card number.
  • Change security answers – Update your security questions and answers in case hackers gained access to that information also.
  • Review account activity – Check your account history and settings for any unauthorized access, posts, or changes made while compromised.

Acting quickly to lock down and re-secure accounts prevent hackers from capitalizing further on compromised credentials.

Teaching Good Password Habits

The importance of password security extends beyond just yourself. Everyone should use strong unique passwords to maintain safety online and protect sensitive data. As a parent, family member, teacher or employer, you can instill good password habits through education:

  • Explain password security risks and the importance of using complex, unique passwords for each account. Set a good example with your own practices.
  • Direct users to install a trusted, easy-to-use password manager appropriate for their age and needs to simplify password security.
  • Discourage password reuse across accounts to limit daisy-chaining vulnerabilities.
  • Caution users against using personal information in passwords or sharing passwords between sites and friends.
  • Set ground rules and accountability for young users regarding password practices and account security. Perform periodic password audits.
  • Encourage the use of passphrases to create both strong and memorable passwords.
  • Foster awareness of phishing schemes attempting to steal login credentials. Show how to identify legit login pages.
  • Require strong passwords and offer resources like password generators and managers to make adoption easy.

Start early instilling good habits around password security in your personal life, school, and workplace. The threats are real, but so are the tools to create strong defenses through secure passwords.


Passwords have become a fact of life in the digital age. But weak passwords leave your sensitive accounts and data extremely vulnerable to compromise by hackers, malware and identity thieves. Creating strong, complex passwords and managing them properly provides a critical line of defense for all internet users.

This guide provided actionable best practices for building strong passwords, securely storing them in a password manager, monitoring your credentials for signs of compromise, and fixing any breaches.

Implementing password security fundamentals, like unique passwords for every account and multifactor authentication, blocks most automated hacking attempts and untargeted fraud. Developing strong personal password habits and teaching those habits to others helps secure our digital lives against the growing threat landscape.

While no security is foolproof, using strong, unique passwords as your default, relying on a password manager’s encryption and features, and remaining vigilant make you an exceptionally challenging target. The strength of your passwords depends on your time, money, personal information, and identity.
